Carpe Diem

Think good thought.

Short Poems


Now is the minimum.We are blessed, no doubt, but it can't get any worse than it is now.We should not misjudge that.If we don't change our perspective, we will be trapped forever and ever.Surely, even if we move on, we will never stop being…


Inspiring.Rewriting history.That is impossible unless you give it your all.The opponent must exist.By then, you must have failed many times.To hope.To have friends who support you. Someday, history will be rewritten. However, the timing wi…


Time is getting shorter. The time we have to live is limited and dwindling. It is not increasing at all.When I was young, I had unlimited time. There was no need to think about the future. What should have been an endless addition has beco…


What is the difference between yesterday and today? If you don't train, you will just fade away. You have to spend time maintaining it. It feels like there is less and less time. What am I fighting against? Why is there so little time? I c…


It has been a long time since I have written. I wanted to write memories rather than records. I found that it takes a tremendous amount of time to get everything out of my mind. I guess it is not easy to write interesting sentences. I wond…


It is gradually turning into autumn. The morning and evening breezes become cooler and the maximum temperature drops. However, the heat from the sun that occasionally appears is as unbelievably hot as ever. When it rains, the humidity rise…


It is not only what is refined that is good. Something with a little play. There are things that are not perfect, but are full of charm. It is difficult to decide how much to allow, but if there is some element that you like, you should va…

The sky

Maximize limited time. We have the tools to do so. We just need to focus on what is in front of us.First, are you doing what you want to do?Are you not overly nervous or anxious?Good things will not be created if you are working only after…


If we go to a new place again, will new encounters await us?Will my core remain the same in that place?Our surroundings are always changing. I feel relieved when I see that, and it is as if I am confirming that things will never change. Do…


We don't want to put everything together, we want to separate it. Is it the personality or the characteristics of the work? I'm sure that I am what I would recognize as authentic, what I am challenging myself to do, and what I am all about…


To work harder in times of abundance. When you are poor, the environment is even more difficult. To be grateful for what we have now and spend our time looking ahead. I have never had a bad turn in my life, but you never know what will hap…


I slept all day again. An important day. I can only rest on my day off. In that case, I cannot go on. If I could do what I wanted in my normal life, I wouldn't have to worry about that, but that's not the case right now. Turn time into mon…


If we don't create a system that is a little less cumbersome, they will run away. We will not be able to keep up with all the technological advances. One moment you think there is hope there, and the next, you are driven by inexplicable an…


Certainly, facts are important, but we don't have to dwell on that one event in the past forever. There are many things we can learn from them, but memories change and there are enough problems in the world today. Sometimes I think there i…


What a beautiful day.When was the last time you thought so? Do you remember breathing in the air and feeling relieved? Do you only care about how much battery power you have left? Are you holding something back because you are worried abou…


Without wishing, dreams do not come true. But how much have we wished for in our lives? I don't think they were all incidental to my own will. Is it only important to be lucky? After all, we are strangers wherever we go, and no one cares a…


Can you win with this kind of equipment? I think so. That is not the point. You have to have at least the minimum equipment to win, but it is important to focus on what is important. If you can use what you are satisfied with and produce w…


Time is running out, but what needs to be done is not getting done. I am doing what I want to do. I am getting things done on my own without waiting for deadlines. The fact that it is not done now is proof that I am not interested in it. B…


It will be sad to depart again anyway. When it comes down to it, being alone is surely very sad no matter how many times you experience it. It becomes dramatic. There may be nothing more important than this in life. But that loneliness may…

Fire works

The day began with something I liked. When I thought about how I would use my time. I hope I can fill it with what I love. I hope to fill my time with things that I love.The enthusiasm while working on it and the enjoyment afterwards to se…


Things that are memorable are important to you. There is a reason you are remembered. It is the force that keeps you alive, the reason you have lived.If you don't leave something behind, you leave nothing behind. It is natural, but how do …


You would never guess what kind of view the 3rd would have. I'm not even sure about tomorrow. Is that because we are not going to see tomorrow?Time is short. Hurry up and live.If there is something that can burn your life, bet on it. If no…


The future is just ahead. If we don't think about it and deal with it, time will not stop. Like someday you will have to do the paperwork you have been putting off. Do you know where you will be in a week? More important than your talent, …

Hard things

In the dream I had yesterday, I was studying abroad. It was a school that used both Japanese and English, basically English. i was in about 3 classes, but i wasn't as confident as i used to be. I was a slow learner getting to class, and I …


A year has passed, and I have more opportunities to take pictures. I think I've doubled in the last year? I think the accumulation of details has increased. I have them on hand when I go somewhere far away or when I can only see a nearby p…


Perhaps after they decide to die, they will be at peace with their decision. The world may seem rather beautiful.It will be most painful while you are living in pain.You can get out of it for a little while before you die.Living is not all…

No words

I thought it was my destiny.Not to stay together, but to stay apart.There are always waves, and not always only good ones.Even if you are prepared for it, that preparedness can easily be shattered.There are times when you are neither prepa…


Today is also someone's birthday, and it may be a blessing to be able to spend that precious day together. If it's someone I love, I might just be happy one way or the other. And I hope that person is happy. There is no obligation to celeb…


Elephant.You will live a long time.Your pulse is slow.Like the elephant, you will live long.A little tenderness, a little warmth.Thank you.Good day.How long will I live? 2023.7.28


After a long time, I go into a cafe alone and have a relaxing time. Still, time is not enough. I have to separate the work of emptying my head and the work of taking in information. There has to be room to spare. I can't read my physical c…