Carpe Diem

Think good thought.


If we go to a new place again, will new encounters await us?
Will my core remain the same in that place?
Our surroundings are always changing. I feel relieved when I see that, and it is as if I am confirming that things will never change. Do we fill the world with what we already know, or do we fill it with what we don't know? What encounters will change me in the future? There are strange people in every place.
Peak in life as early as possible. You still have some methods and skills, so why not try them?
Even troublesome things can be overcome, depending on the subject and the type of thing. What is it? What makes you feel secure and what stresses you out?
What do I do without being asked to do it, what keeps me going, and what causes me to recoil. Others are second, first how my mind and body reacts. Then, one criteria is how you feel about yourself and how others around you feel about you. If you live this long, you will know.
What is missing? Is it technology, connections, or the great change of time?
If you have to live, think hard about how you will live. What are you good at and how have you helped others? When have you had fun?


