Carpe Diem

Think good thought.

2023.8.14 Gold Coast/Brisbane(ゴールドコースト/ブリスベン)



The sunrise from the plane was beautiful, and although the iPhone took beautiful pictures, the Leica also took great pictures. I thought it would be a good idea to take three cameras on this trip, one of which I used on my iPhone, and try to take all the pictures in a film style. I was uncomfortable in my seat on the plane, and it was a nice change to be in a different place when I woke up after an 8-hour flight with almost no time difference. It was very fulfilling to be able to head out after the shoot and do some more filming.




777 Brosdbeach South Station行き。運転手に行き先を確認してバスに乗り込む。乗客はストリート系の人々。スケートボードとサーフボードを抱えている。自国の言葉を使っているようだった。シダーの様な、パインのような木がたくさん生えている街並みがとても気になる。バスは暖房がかかっているが、暖かくも寒うもない不思議な感じ。気温は15度だがタンクトップの人もいれば長袖の人もいる。サンダルが片方だけ、バスの座席に置いてある。日本には無い匂いがする。


777 Brosdbeach South Station. After confirming the destination with the driver, I boarded the bus. The passengers are street people. They were carrying skateboards and surfboards. They seemed to be speaking their own language. I was very curious about the streets with many cedar-like and pine-like trees. The bus is heated, but it is neither warm nor cold, which is strange. The temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, but some people are wearing tank tops, others long sleeves. Only one pair of sandals is on the bus seat. There is a smell that you don't find in Japan.

Looking at the number of cars parked on the street, I think it would be difficult to go there if I cannot drive a car. Left lane, right hand drive. There are many Teslas driving around. It looks like you can do activities while the sun is shining, but it looks like you can't do anything at night. The Miami High School lawn and the morning mist were impressive.




Brosdbeach South Station到着。トラムは空いている。制服を着た学生も。カードのタップ方法がわからず忘れて乗車してしまったが、係員が教えてくれて、タップして戻ってきてくれた。「よくあるミスだから気にしなくて良い」とのこと。45分かけてHelensvaleまで向かい、そこから1時間でブリスベンのRoma Streetまで向かう。先にホテルで荷物を置き観光開始。Helensvaleの乗り換えの階段の黄色は計算されて作られているのだろうか。このような太陽の光を通した美しさは格別で、感動した。人がいなくなるのを待つ必要はなかったが、美しい風景を堪能することができた。

Arrival at Brosdbeach South Station. The streetcar is empty. Some students in uniform. I forgot how to tap my card and boarded the tram, but the attendant told me how to tap it back in. He said 'It's a common mistake, so don't worry about it.' It took 45 minutes to get to Helensvale, and from there it was an hour to Roma Street in Brisbane. I wondered if the yellow color of the stairs at the Helensvale transfer station was calculated. Such beauty through the sunlight was exceptional and inspiring. I didn't have to wait for the people to disappear to enjoy the beautiful scenery.





Departure. The train is just barely able to seat us. The temperature is rising, so I take off my ultralight down. The man in front is on the phone with a gallon of juice. The woman with the tattoo is drawing on her iPad. Plenty of sleep on the train; up at 9:44. Platform under construction, lots of construction. The couple who talked to me was very kind. Their daughter who lived in Japan was an English teacher and also played the violin. They said that nature and history are the charm of Brisbane. They were very proud of the fact that Brisbane is a small city. They said that they are proud to have an art festival, and that they would definitely recommend feeding the colorful parrots.




Roma Street Parklandが、一言で表すとすごかった。植物がとにかく美しい。高層ビルが近くに見える街並み。あふれる緑、変化を迎えつつある植物の葉の色。植物を管理している人々。光と風と、この季節だからなのかあらゆるものが美しく映る。トカゲもこれまでの人生で見た数より多く見られた。空気がおいしくて、冬でこの気候なのは贅沢すぎるなと思った。この街は本当に暮らしやすいんだろうなと感激した。

Roma Street Parkland was, in a word, amazing. The vegetation is just beautiful. The cityscape with skyscrapers nearby. The overflowing greenery, the colors of the leaves of the plants that are changing. The people tending to the plants. The light, the wind, and perhaps because it was the season, everything looked beautiful. I saw more lizards than I have ever seen in my life. The air was delicious, and I thought it was too luxurious to have this climate in winter. I was impressed by how easy it must be to live in this city.



ホテルで荷物を預けてCity Hallへ。博物館も見学。ピアノとホールは荘厳で、歴史の説得力のようなものがあった。さて、この人生何ができるだろうか、そんなことを考えさせるような場所だった。セブンイレブンで値段を見ずにパイを購入したら6ドルだった。

Leave your luggage at the hotel and go to City Hall. We also toured the museum. The piano and the hall were majestic, and the history was compelling. It was a place that made me wonder what I could do with my life. I bought a pie at a 7-Eleven without looking at the price.



そのまま歩いて植物園へ。先ほどの公園が美しかったので期待していたが、そこまでの感動はなかった。ピンクの花が綺麗。植物園に面しているのがクイーンズランド工科大学(Queensland University of Technology)。お金がかかる事はわかるが本当に豊か。冬でこの天気は天国。留学していた頃を思い出すが、このように豊かな環境で勉強をできることは奇跡に近い。そのような環境が当たり前で生きている人もたくさんいるのだろう。世界の広さ、勉強の楽しさ、豊さを感じるが、それと反するものについても考えさせられた。

We walked straight to the botanical garden. I had high expectations since the park I just visited was beautiful, but I was not that impressed. The pink flowers are beautiful. Facing the botanical garden is Queensland University of Technology. I know it costs a lot of money, but it is really rich. This weather in winter is heaven. I remember when I was studying abroad, it was almost a miracle that I could study in such a rich environment. There must be many people who live in such an environment as a matter of course. I feel the vastness of the world, the joy and abundance of study, but it also made me think about the things that go against it.



街中の書店にも寄った。著者の顔写真が多く印刷されているように感じた。それからクイーンズランド博物館(Queensland Museum)、クイーンズランド・アート・ギャラリー&ギャラリー・オブ・モダン・アート(Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art)(QAGOMA)、クイーンズランド州立図書館(State Library Of Queensland)を歩いて回る。博物館は子供向けというようなイメージだった。とにかく土地が広くて、人が少なくて。歴史に関してはどのように感じるのが正しいかわからないが、新しくて明るい印象。スペースを持て余している感じ。メルボルンのアートの美術館の方が印象的だった。観覧車やビーチ、景色がどんどん変わっていく。大人から子供まで、あらゆる人が楽しんでいた。サッカーワルドカップパブリックビューイング会場もあった。

I also stopped by a bookstore in town. It seemed to me that many of the author's photographs were printed in the bookstore. Then I walked around Queensland Museum, Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA), and State Library Of Queensland. I had an image that the museum was for children. Anyway, the land was huge and there were few people. I don't know how to feel about the history, but it seemed new and bright. It feels like it has too much space. The art museum in Melbourne was more impressive. The Ferris wheel, the beach, the scenery keeps changing. All kinds of people from adults to children were enjoying. There was also a public viewing venue for the Soccer Waldo Cup.




1時間休憩してColeで買ったパンやパイ、ナッツクッキーを食べる。道を歩いてStory Bridgeへ。ホテルから道を登り、下って走りながらギリギリ夕日に間に合い撮影。ワイン工場と錯覚するようなも綺麗だった。New Farmへの道を歩いて、半分で戻ってくる。太陽が沈んでライトアップが始まり綺麗になってきた。頑張って走っている人や健康意識が高い人が多い。2人組で真剣にトレーニングをしている男女もいた。高校生等は夕陽を見ながら自分の好きなことを熱く語っていた。犬が野生の鳥に向かって吠えて、追いかけるが捕まえることはできない。

Rest for an hour and eat bread, pie and nut cookies bought at Cole. Walked up the road to Story Bridge. We drove up and down the road from the hotel, just in time to catch the sunset. Walked the road to New Farm and halfway back. The sun was setting and the lights were starting to turn on and it was getting beautiful. There were many hard runners and health-conscious people, including a man and a woman training seriously in pairs. High school students and others were talking passionately about their favorite activities while watching the sunset. A dog barked at a wild bird and chased it but could not catch it.





View of the bridge and the lights. There is a little time between sunset and dark. It had been a long time since I had seen the lights on the bridge. I returned to the hotel and washed my face without buying anything at Woolworths. I ate a cookie and drank some orange juice. I forgot to buy water, so I bought some from a vending machine, but it cost 350 yen per bottle. I sorted out a few photos. The fact that there is such a long stretch of road along the river is impressive from the perspective of urban development. And the night spent at a restaurant along the river looked very enjoyable. With a nice view, atmosphere, and good drinks, everyone seemed to be enjoying their lives.




休憩をとった後改めて出発。今度は市内の夜景へ。Kurilpa Bridgeを渡る。歩行者と自転車が分かれているのが、すべての橋の作りというか決まりなのか。パルクールを楽しむ若者が無茶をしていたが、確かにスロープを最後まで歩くのは時間の無駄のようにも感じた。ミュージアムがライトアップされていて、夜らしい雰囲気。スーパーは閉まり、コンビニに寄るも食べたいものはなくなる。橋も蛍光色のようなライトアップ。川沿いを歩いていて肌寒かったが心地よい。カジノに入ってみるも、アジア系の観光客のような人が圧倒的に多かった。

After taking a break, we departed again. This time, we crossed the Kurilpa Bridge for a night view of the city. Is it a rule of all bridges that pedestrians and cyclists are separated? Young people enjoying parkour were recklessly doing it, but it certainly seemed like a waste of time to walk the ramp all the way to the end. The museum was lit up and the atmosphere was night-like. Supermarkets were closed and we stopped at a convenience store but ran out of food to eat. The bridges are also lit up like fluorescent lights. It was chilly walking along the river, but comfortable. I entered a casino, but there were overwhelmingly many people who looked like Asian tourists.





I returned to the hotel, edited my photos, and before I knew it, I was asleep. Couldn't make plans for tomorrow, though. I think I will take the ferry. Anyway, Brisbane seemed to be a nice city to live in. It is a very nice city, which I had not imagined, and very much more impressive than Melbourne.
