Carpe Diem

Think good thought.


The emotion of sadness is strange. It is some kind of anomaly. It is different from loneliness. It's a feeling of heaviness and blame in the mind and body. It is different from frustration or resentment. The kinds of events that need to be grieved are very limited and their only purpose is to grieve. What needs to be grieved is resolved in the time it takes to honestly face the emotion of grief. So there is no need to blame anyone or feel depressed, and if that is the sign, then something has gone wrong somewhere. We need to change the way we look at the world.
There is no need to be a victim. There are many things in the world that we don't need to be sad about. Things that have nothing to do with you. I finally understand that after 30 years of living. There are things to be afraid of, things to be sad about, but for the most part, there is no need to be sad.

