Carpe Diem

Think good thought.

2023.8.15 ブリスベン・ゴールドコースト Brisbane/Gold Coast



Woke up. Good thing I slept well. I hadn't made any plans until the morning, but after some hesitation, I checked out and went to the ferry. After searching and getting some information, we went to the ferry station.




North  Quayに到着するも、船には誰も乗っていない。New Farmへ行けそう、と乗り込んでみる。朝はPENTAXの写真のみ編集。City Hopper出勤を電車通勤と比べてみると凄いなと感じた。毎日こんな環境で出勤できたらストレスも少なさそうだ。同じ時間の使い方でも人生が変わりそう。運河沿いの道、運動がしたくなる様な街や環境は作れるのではないかと思う。Sydney Streetまで乗り続ける。移り行く街並みが本当に綺麗。雲ひとつない空で眩しかったが、ビルの反射、新しいビル、水、空、あらゆるものがとても絵になって楽しくて仕方なかった。景色を見るのがとても忙しかった。船を降りるとジャーナリストに間違えられたりしてとても面白かった。

Arrived at North Quay, no one on the boat, thought I could go to New Farm, so I boarded the boat. In the morning, I edited only Pentax photos, which was great compared to commuting by train to City Hopper. It would be less stressful if I could go to work in such an environment every day. It would change my life even if I spent the same amount of time there. I think it is possible to create a city and an environment that makes people want to exercise and ride along the canal. The changing cityscape was really beautiful. The sky was bright and cloudless, but the reflections of the buildings, the new buildings, the water, the sky, everything was so picturesque and enjoyable. I was very busy looking at the scenery. It was very interesting to get off the boat and be mistaken for a journalist.



20分ほど歩いてNew Farm Park&Powerhouseへ。川沿いの道が本当に美しくて、もう死んでも良いかなと思えたくらい。風がとても気持ちよく、植物も美しかった。ジャカランダとポインシアナという木と葉っぱを人生で最も長い時間眺めたが、こんなに美しいものは見たことがなかった。紅葉なのか、緑から黄色に変わっていくところ。下から見上げた、青空とその黄色の反射は信じられないほどだった。この感動を伝えなければならない。まだ世の中には知らない色があるのだと心の底から感動した。花が咲いた時はもっと綺麗なのかもしれないが、この色を私は愛している。

We walked about 20 minutes to New Farm Park & Powerhouse. The path along the river was really beautiful and I could have died already. The breeze was so nice and the plants were beautiful. I spent the longest time in my life looking at the Jacaranda and Poinciana trees and their leaves, but I had never seen anything so beautiful. The leaves were changing from green to yellow, whether they were autumn leaves or not. Looking up from below, the blue sky and its yellow reflection was unbelievable. I must tell you how impressed I was. I was moved from the bottom of my heart that there are still colors in the world that we don't know about. It may be even more beautiful when the flowers are in bloom, but I love this color.




End of tour of Powerhouse. The building itself is very stylish and I enjoyed the art. It is spacious, rich in nature, and less stressful. The lack of people made me feel even more open. I was able to take my time to see the world press photo exhibition. The power of photography is very strong. I think it is important to have a place and time to look at them carefully. I have encountered various art and exhibitions in various places, but the timing always seems to be inevitable. A lot of companies sponsored the event, and it was definitely worth it. I felt more people should see it. We walked back along the same road to the ferry terminal. Walking through an affluent residential area. The road along the river was as beautiful as ever. I used to turn around and take a good look at the road. I will probably never come back here, but it was a wonderful time. I will never forget it.




Boarding the ferry for the return trip. It is hard to believe that this is free. The seats on the return trip are more than half full, a complete change from the morning. An old man was happily taking pictures. The view on the way to the ferry was definitely better than the one on the way back. It was my first time to see the scenery, but I think it was a good angle to take pictures of buildings and cityscapes. The film was developed while we were on board.



I was going to get off at the station where I boarded the ship, but suddenly disembarked at Riverside. We got off at the end of the bridge and toured the financial district. Besides photographing the beautiful architecture, I was told by a man in a suit not to photograph this building. The trees in the city were peculiar. I was looking for a supermarket and came across the ANZAC square. I was surprised that I had completely missed it even though it was so close. Even though it is very close by, if you don't look up or visit, you don't notice it at all, and there may have been many things I missed this time too. I was lucky to get off at a different station, where the Metro pie was delicious but scalding. After refueling on fruit and orange juice, we headed back to the hotel. I think I like Brisbane better than Melbourne's cityscape.



ホテルにて少しだけ荷物を整理し、データも処理。Wi-Fiも弱く時間もないので出発しGold Coastへ向かう。最初の日、といっても前日と同じようにRoma Street Parklandを最後に見ていく。黄色い花が印象的だった。今日も幸せな人たちがmのんびりと時間を過ごしていた。今日か昨日か、おじいさんが本を読みながら過ごしていたのは幸せの象徴のようだった。心が通じ合えたのは良かった。

After a bit of unpacking and data processing at the hotel, we depart for Gold Coast, where the Wi-Fi is weak and time is short. The first day, but as on the previous day, I took a last look at Roma Street Parkland. The yellow flowers were impressive. Today, too, happy people were spending their time leisurely. Today or yesterday, an old man was spending his time reading a book, which seemed to be a symbol of happiness. It was good that they could communicate with each other.



事前に時刻を調べていた通り、Roma Street Stationから乗車。行きとは違う横向きの席に座る。知り合いか知り合いじゃないか関係のわからない男女2人が、社会情勢や仕事について延々と話していた。この時間だからか電車っ非常に空いている。今日は完全に曇りで過ごしやすい。たまたま昨日の天気が良かったのだと気づく。アレルギノーのせいか、ただただ涙が止まらない。電車の中で今日過ごした時間を振り返り、文章を書き溜流。休憩をしつつ写真を編集。ほとんど寝ることなく1時間を過ごしてHelensvaleへ。

As I had checked the time in advance, I boarded the train from Roma Street Station. I sat in a seat facing the side of the train, which was different from the one I had taken on the way there. Two people, a man and a woman, who may or may not know each other, were talking endlessly about social conditions and work. The train is very empty at this time of the day. It is completely cloudy and comfortable today. I realize that yesterday's weather just happened to be nice. I just can't stop crying, probably because of the allergic reaction. I look back on the time I spent today on the train and write a bunch of sentences. I take a break and edit my photos. I spend an hour in Helensvale with very little sleep.



サーファーズパラダイスへ。写真は昨日分の編集を終える。着く頃には雨が降っていて青空も出ているが今後どうなるかはわからない。持病が悪化し涙が止まらない。ちょうどチェックインの時間に近づいてきたのでホテルの確認を先に行う。異常と感じるほど親切なホテルというか過剰な接客サービスだった。コミュニケーションが異常に多くて疲れてしまうほどだが、お客様をもてなそうとする姿勢はすごかった。Hello Goegeous! という表現は漫画の中のものだと思っていたのだが普通に使うとこの日初めて知った。

Go to Surfers Paradise. Finished editing yesterday's photos. It was raining by the time I got there, and there are blue skies, but I don't know what will happen in the future. My chronic illness is getting worse and I can't stop crying. It is almost time to check in, so I check the hotel first. The hotel was unusually kind, or rather, the customer service was excessive. I thought the expression "Hello Goegeous!" was something from a comic book, but this was the first time I learned that it is commonly used.




Check in, take out a welcome drink, and head out to the beach. Purchase gravy and chips at Woolworth's for lunch. Recharge the batteries and take a leisurely break.




We left the hotel again and headed north along the beach for 30 minutes. We did not see the sunset, but the sky turned a little red and it was beautiful. The rain stopped. We took a bus from the Marriott and joined an eco-tour. Traffic jam at the air show. I think about the tourism industry, which I have been involved in a little before, but it makes me bitter. Paying for fun was more fun than making money like that. I strongly felt that I would like to be able to move more, and a one-day tour is a tremendous drain on one's physical and mental strength. Although it was only at night this time, I felt very tired. I listened to music all the way on the bus and collected my thoughts. The clay fireflies I saw for the first time were very beautiful. I think it was the first time in my life that I had participated in an eco-tour. It is not often that I go to a place with no lights at all. In Japan, they can be seen at Tama Zoo. The waterfalls, the night sky, and the Milky Way were also beautiful. There are many natural, undeveloped places, but this is not great because this is what it is supposed to be. The trip is very personal.




The return bus departs. I still have energy left. I listen to music the whole way.



地元の夜までやっているスーパーでパイとサンドイッチを購入し、無理やり流し込む。写真の読み込みに時間がかかり、日付が変わってしばらくした後に寝る。明日の計画を立てることはできない。そもそも厳密な計画は立てていなかったがブリスベンが本当に良いところで、24時間ほどしっかり滞在してしまった。ホテルの予約から間違っているようなところもあったが結果としては素晴らしい時間だった。Gold Coastはどのような場所なのか、明日味わうことができたら良い。

I buy a pie and a sandwich at the local supermarket that is open until night and force myself to pour it out. It takes a while to load the photos, and I go to bed some time after the date changes. No plans for tomorrow. I didn't have a strict plan to begin with, but Brisbane is a really nice place and I've stayed there for a solid 24 hours or so. I hope to get a taste of what the Gold Coast is like tomorrow.

