Carpe Diem

Think good thought.



If we change the inputs, the outputs will surely change as well. However, if it is limited to a certain region, the effect will be limited. It is only when you cross cultural backgrounds that you can make a difference. It is the difference…


Is it possible to write a song a day? I thought I liked art, but it seems I can't choose just one, either natural or man-made. It feels good to capture what is real and unchangeable as it is, but how does it feel to be someone who uses tec…


To be able to study in a fun way. To be able to go for it on your own. Above all, it is necessary to feel safe. Being timid may not be bad, but if you keep running away from what you should not fear, you will only suffer. Take a deep breat…


The real strength may not be in the area of expertise. Strength comes from a supporting role, or rather, from a place that is not one's core business. Of course, synergistic effects are created because they bring out the best in the core b…


The music is great. The sounds and emotions that can be shared. How does it feel to create something that only you can create? Are you missing your chance today? 2023.11.3