Carpe Diem

Think good thought.


In other words

I love you. 2015.9.13


Write down what you think or feel. Update your thoughts. 2015.9.12


I have the one who I choose to love. Everything is followed by my heart. 2015.9.11

The end of the life

At the end of the life, can you sing a song called "My Way"? 2015.9.10

My way

Did you do it in your way? 2015.9.9


Sometimes, a tunnel is brighter than field tracks. Because, there are lights which shines when nobody tries to emit. 2015.9.8

Patch Adams

Patch Adams Official Trailer #1 - Robin Williams ... ウィリアム・ロビンソン。 彼が生きていたことで、どれほど多くの人が勇気を与えられただろうか。 彼が演じると、そこには何か大きな温かいものが生まれる。 喜びだけではなく深すぎるつらさや悲しみ…